Monday, 15 August 2011

For the crappiest day of the week I give you the crappiest TV show!

Monday blog is Raymond blog!

Everybody Loves Raymond season 3 episode 14 called "pants on fire" but I like to call "a mothers love". Why? Cause this seems accurate to how I've seen mothers act to there sons.
In this episode like all the others Marie likes her son Raymond more than her other son Robert. But then she hears Ray (a man in his thirty's) talk about having thrown a party in their house when he was a teenager, suddenly Marie is indifferent to Ray and gives praise and lavish gifts of food to Robert, her new favorite son!

She is not subtle with this and if this is her attempt to make Ray become sorry for his actions it only helps show Robert how much he usually doesn't have his mothers love.
And this saddens me, do punish her one son (Raymond) she ends up showing her other son (Robert) how much she does not usually care for him!

I fell bad for Robert, not having his mothers love most of his life and then getting it solely because his mom is mad at his brother!

What a terrible mother.

But as always things are put back to where they were in the beginning of the show as Robert talking to his mother makes the joke "Imagine if it was my party" to wit Marie assumes it was and that Raymond is only covering for his brother and goes back to loving Raymond and leaving Robert alone to wallow in his bitterness.

Which leaves me wondering is it better to be loved and know its conditional or not to be loved at all?


  1. That question, uh. I don't think either are better. Being loved conditionally and not being loved is pretty much the same thing isn't it?

  2. @D4 it probably is pretty much the same but I think I would rather not have some one pretend to love me cause it would be a constant reminder of what I don't have!

  3. Interesting post, but hard question, I can't answer temporarily.

  4. In theory it's the same, still i would rather be loved conditionaly that not loved at all. At least i have a good time while it lasts, always keeping in head that i should not expect too much out of it.

  5. My lovely soon to be ex Mother in law favors my 4 year old over my 2 year old.
    Pisses me the fuck off.

  6. you are a little too obsessed about this show. more obsessed than beyonce in that movie

  7. It is better not to be loved at all.

  8. @Clueless Dolphin My girl friend watches the show so I end up watching the show. So I blog about it to get out my rage about how crappy it is!

  9. Not be loved at all. Because conditional love is too complicated and rather rough for the emotions. At least to not be loved at all, I know where I stand and I can go from there.

  10. some love is better than no love I'd say.

  11. You seem to go on about Ray a little too much.. you have something to tell us? .. xD

  12. Almost committed suicide watching this show once!

  13. All love is conditional.

    Followed on this sad note :O!

  14. conditional love... well, better than nothing ^^

  15. The sad truth is that,Mother love is not unconditional.

  16. I'd rather have conditional love...because some love is better to me.

  17. Yep, conditional love for me, too. Just tread lightly I guess. XD

  18. I fucking hate that show. Everything is so mundane. I always change the channel when it's on.

  19. I can't understand why people like Everybody Loves Raymond. He seems like Kermit the frog and the big guy just sounds like a yeti

  20. conditions are created by people who want control. as a result, conditional love is against my entire state of being. as for not to be loved? Id rather know you hate me, opposed to you only love me if my cock hangs left at all times.

  21. Hmm what a skank. I think it's cause of his deep voice.
    Depends what the conditions of the love are. Like most people aren't gonna still love you if you smack them with a frying pan, so you could call that conditional. If it was more superficial conditions then the love wouldn't be authentic anyways, just the illusion of love. So ideally I'd say unconditional hate hah. Although if a rich supermodel wants to love me conditionally based on my hair or something, then whatever, I'm not cutting it.

  22. I see nothing wrong with conditional love. I mean, it's still love.

  23. I'm not surprised she wasn't subtle in her favoritism as this happened on Everybody Loves Raymond and nothing is subtle (or funny, for that matter).

    You ask a very good question though. I'd have to go with not loved at all, because you wouldn't know any different.

  24. To be not loved. I can love myself perfectly fine thank you very much.

  25. I dunno about that being a crappy show, have you seen street sharks? They're half man, half shark, and swim through the freeway @_@

  26. agree with @My2pesos... I like that tv show :P
