Friday, 16 September 2011

The Brady Bunch

Its a story of a lady who has three daughter and a man who has three sons and the man and lady get together and they all live together with a maid in the same house.

All in the same house.


And how many bathrooms do they have?

Well all six kids share one bathroom. One bathroom with no toilet.

No toilet.

So were do these six kids crap?

Out the window?

In some bushes out back?

The woods?

They always talk about visiting a place called Mount Claymore. Is it a pile of poop in the backyard?

And you might be thinking it's weird I'm talking about something as trivial as a toilet but if you ever saw the show you'd realise there's nothing else to talk about.

The show is a pile of poop and there's nowhere to flush it.


  1. Hahaha, a pile of poop. Well, if you can't flush it you can just burry it. I'm not sure if this show's poop would help the ground though..

  2. A pile of poop? D:

  3. There's.. no bathroom? Woah.

  4. Hahaha i had never thought of that before...

  5. Heh heh, and there was all that really weird sexual tension between Marsha and Greg.

  6. I haven't seen this show but i heard around marcia was crazy in the sack, although i don't know who marcia is or if she even exists.
    Maybe they shit in the trash can

  7. Here's a story
    of a turd named Brady!

    Haha! That show is crap!

  8. @Hasidic Plumber Thats true maybe they dumped in the trash!

    @danjor21 That would make an awesome song!

    Heres a story of a turd named brady
    who was floating in a cup of water

    Its also the story of two crazy ladies
    who were gonna eat the contents of the cup!

    (okay my song didn't rhyme well but anyway!)

  9. sounds like the creators where on to nothing.

  10. I've never even thought of that.

  11. nobody poops on television

    that should be a book titles. Alan Alda could write it

  12. They are aliens. No humans could act that way.

  13. eh..never much liked this show

  14. Oh God. This show...Hate it unlike any other.

  15. haha wow I seriously haven't thought about this show in a long time, but this was cracking me up. It's all so true!

  16. Lmfao, I never noticed that before.

  17. Never heard of this before, not bothered about that either xD

  18. i suffered through a few episodes a while back.
    not an experience I;d like to repeat.

  19. I've seen a few of the episodes. Such a corny show.

  20. I love the Brady Bunch lmao. In a really it's so bad I love it kind of way if that makes any sense. The bathroom question is quite a good one to ask though...

  21. maybe they have a portal to shit planet ?

  22. Maybe they eat poop for breakfast?

  23. I've never seen this, but I've heard a lot. Thanks for reminding me about this, perhaps I will look into it!

  24. i couldnt stand watching this show for some reason. i grew up watching shows with a cast of mainly black people maybe thats why haha

  25. Never watched it but from what I hear, they're too happy for my liking!

  26. Maybe they poop in this sink?

    Yeah, they just wash it down afterwards.

  27. I've never watched this, but inconsistencies like that are always irritating.
    Mount Claymore.
    I laughed

  28. Jazz bazooka should change his name to jizz bazooka.

  29. @Generally Disgruntled It could be a childrens book!

    @Jazz Bazooka Sounds like a logical idea. You're probably correct!

    @Lord Phrozen I take back what I said to Jazz Bazooka! THIS seems way more legit! They eat it for breakfast! So right! You're a genius!

    @Hazel yup its deffinitly a show full of nice people! Gets boring quick!

    @DWei Sounds like something a drunk would do. They're not drinkers! But then again with out a toilet they'd have to go somewhere and they do spent time in the bathroom. You may be correct!

    @the Rambler Yeah I hate inconsistencies too! In fact thats the reason I blog! Hate of inconsistencies drives me!

    @Reilly I laughed at the reference!

    @Hasidic Plumber You should change your name to Hasidic Bumber! (kidding!)

  30. @Bersercules

    Woohoo! What do I win? I hope it's not "free poop" for breakfast?

  31. I watched reruns as a kid and never once noticed they didn't have a toilet.
