Thursday, 15 December 2011

Sound of Horror video review

Another day another old review of an old movie! I hope you all enjoy! This one contains me actually wearing the helmet from the background!

I'll be seeing you at your blogs very soon!


  1. hahaha I think they truly did take standing around and talking to a whole new level there at first. hahaha love the helmet and you going all wrestler promo like on them. But you know they are tired and need a nap, all that talking and walking must wear then down, not to mention the door pushing. That helmet looks to have drove your twin insane too..haha

  2. @Pat Hatt I'm glad you enjoyed the video! There standing around definetly inspired me! The helmet didn't drive my twin insane I'm just insane...

    @Bart Glad you like the helmet! All glory to the helmet!

  3. "Sound of Horror"? I'm a film geek and I've never heard of that film.

  4. These make me not want to see old movies, man. That's what they do. D=

  5. I recognized that helmet immediately!

  6. @Film Geek Bastard I only know of it cause I bought it on a DVD with other old movies!

    @jerzey72 I'm glad you liked it!

    @D4 I review crappy old movies, don't worry there are great old movies out there! Like The Hidden Fortress! (its the insperation for Star Wars!)

    @Henry I'm slowly conditioning you all to think of me when you see a helmet!

  7. Yay, Jezzer Hora makes an appearance! I love your characters, particularly Major Lee Lame. You should bring him back some time. Even though he may have died.

  8. @after3 I'm glad you enjoyed!

    @Lot's Wife Major Lee Lame does come back for a quick appearence in another review! And when I ask him "arn't you dead?" he replies "yeah, so?"

  9. You put on the helmet! Yay, I think you may have to r ressurect Jezzer Hora in your new vids. We all seem to love him. Those bastards just stood there and watch the maid die. Upper class twits, all of 'em. I once encountered an anthropamorphic hotdog, I smothered it with relish, threw a party and ate it. I'm hoping to be attacked by a pizza monster tonight. I'm off to Youtube ya big guy.

  10. Okay I've only just turned it on, but I have to say I love the Friends reference, and how you even black and whited that for continuity, and the reappearance of Jezzer Horae. Hell there's more continuity in your standalone videos than most TV series'. I possibly spelt his name wrong, meaning that there's more continuity in your videos than in my comments! I love Major Lee Lame, and how you got one last reference in right at the end. It was worth sitting through that music. I really can't believe they did that.

  11. I've seen this old video before when I was browsing your channel like a month ago. I know that the monster is supposed to be invisible but I can't help but think that they only made it invisible to cut cost in making a monster costume. This movie is pretty low budget.

  12. @GT Glad you liked it!

    @Anne I may ressurect Jezzer Hora but only if its important for a joke! I know I was as shocked as you to see them all stand there as she was killed! Its made worse by the fact they sent her out to get water for their tea! When I met an anthropamorphic hotdog I did the same thing! But with mustard! (and I didn't throw a party either... I wanted to eat her all to my self!) I too wish to be attacked by a pizza monster tonight! Great minds think alike!

    @Mark Yep you spelt his name wrong! But I don't think he minds! I was gonna do even more continuity in those old reviews but when I was putting them on no one was watching! I had three subscribers! Ones account was soon closed the other closed later and the third commented on earlier videos (first two) and later ones (last few) but wasn't commenting at the time, so I didn't focus on doing too much continuity cause I figured no one cared! Though Major Lee Lame makes an appearence in a later review and this one hints of Jezzer Hora being able to come back any time (and he comes back in the one Major Lee Lame comes back in too!) I forgot what I was gonna do with it all! There's another movie with satanic rituals and dead coming back and I was gonna tie it all up in that I think, but I never wrote it down so its lost to the ages!
    As for the long shot with music playing. Old movies pulled that BS all the time! They do a lot of things in those old movies people would never do today! Not even people who sell out!

  13. @Lord Phrozen I think your right! It was probably done solely to cut costs! I bet if they could they'd have had invisible people in it too!

    @The Angry Lurker Right on!

  14. You look like a berserker viking ready for the ragnarok.

  15. I dunno, there are a lot of things the people who sell out can, will, and do, do. Look at James Cameron, he basically made The Smurfs with adult sized people, and explosions. Then suddenly it's the greatest movie experience ever as long as you watch it in 3D because plot and story and script aren't worth a damn as long as you're pretty. But in cases like that who is truly selling out? The movie maker, or the movie fan?

  16. Epic helmet action. Unleash the helmet during new, awesome reviews for dramatic effect.

  17. @Mark They made a Smurf movie?

    But what those sell outs do is add exitment! I'm talking about old movies where they added in boring scenes to waste time and stretch out the film.

    @MRanthrope That's a good idea! I'll call it my Ranthrope power!

  18. that is some sweet helmet action.

  19. Army vets: They're incompetent!

  20. "Maybe it's an ancient recipe for stew." I really need to start watching more old movies. Purely for the absurdity.

    And dude, don't look now, but I think you dropped your beard!

  21. @Heaven. I'm glad you like my helmet!

    @convictus Thanks!

    @heddin This movie sure trys to show that!

    @A Beer for the Shower Thats why I love old movies! So many absurditys so little time!

    Did I? Wait where is it!

    @Mochileiro Interesting!

  22. Did you have a channel called TheCalebWalker? That's the channel I found this on. I commented on the public video though, so I hope you can see it. I favorited it too.

  23. @Anne Yes it is my other channel. And its TheCalebWallace! (because my name is Caleb Wallace! and I added the the cause someone already had my name!)

  24. Major Lee Lame seems awfully familiar...

  25. Awesome review man, honestly I love all your reviews but there was a seriously inventive kind of concept to these old reviews that make me love them even more. That film seems like a dead waste in my opinion, I don't know if I'll be rushing to download it any time soon!

  26. I see Jezzer Hora is in this video too but only for 2 sec. Great review and keep up the good work.

  27. @SUCEN Comment

    @Shaw Its almost like he's someone you've seen before...

    @YeamieWaffles Thanks! I enjoy the old reviews more cause I added more depth in them. Made them more then just a review! And the old movies I review are so lame and boring it lends its self to being mocked!

    @GADAFINY Yep he is! Thanks and I will!

    @Lexsa Happyness at the comment and crazy crazy! Dancing!
