Tuesday 10 April 2012

My first video review.

Recently I was thinking about how I'm just a few videos away from making my fiftieth video review. Which got me thinking about my earliest reviews. When I started adding my Ol' Timey reviews to this blog I started with my Cosmo Jones review, which is my sixth review. And never showed you guys my first five reviews. But I'm gonna change that. So here is my first review:

But its about 22 minutes long and I had to put it into parts on YouTube.

Yep three parts.

I hope it's not too amateur for you guys!


  1. it seems you got a lot of energy from eating Easter chocolate eggs, Berserc ;)

  2. I don't know... I just man.. how do you sit through this stuff.

  3. nice to see how your style has changed...great review as well...

  4. That was just 22 minutes? Way. And if that's the first, that's not half bad. A few minor improvements so far but there wasn't really much to improve from the get go. How very badass of you!

    1. Glad to hear you liked it! I cringe when I watch it! I notice all the mistakes and flaws!

  5. Ah, they just don't make 'em like they used to. Probably a good thing, too.

    1. Yep, when they made it they broke the mold! and everyone cheered!

  6. I loved this Herc, it's seriously good to see you from the start, you were still funny at the time of this one buddy, it's good you've condensed things down a bit since then.

    1. Glad to hear you enjoyed it! and found it funny! I definitely learnt to condense things after my first few reviews! But part of the reason this review is longer is cause there was more to say! When I decided to make reviews I automatically knew the first two movies I would do cause they were so weird and silly! And this is the least silly of the two!

  7. LOL those nazi's show up everywhere. Was a great review for your first one, even if it wasn't your first one. Glad you didn't get eaten by someone thinking you were a hotdog and we got more...haha

    1. The weirdiest time I ever say Nazis show up was in the 80's kids cartoon Dungeon & Dragons! There is an episode about the evil man in the D&D world opening a portal to our world to give a Nazi pilot during WW2 a modern day plane to turn the tides of war so Hitler would win and the kids (who are the main charicters of the show) would cease to exist!

      (which is doubly funny cause the kids always wanted to leave the D&D world and couldn't because of the villain and if he wanted them gone, he could have just sent them home! Silly villain!)

  8. Nice to know that even in the 50's the black guy dies first. Labyrinth reference wooooooo! You aren't owned by Satan, you're owned by Jezzer Horae. The review was pretty damn good. It's not your fault the movie was bad. The only thing close to a problem is the difference in sound volume between you and the movie. I also didn't know the Nostalgia Critic was an influence, but now you've said it it does seem kinda obvious.

    1. Yeah black guy dies first has been around since movies started! Heck maybe even before!! I should check out old books and see if the black guy dies first in them! Labyrinth rules! Bowes bulge does not!

      I am now owned by Jezzer Hora, but this predates that review!

      The problems I recall with this review:
      Bad sound.
      Bad editing. (sometimes theres a edit in the middle of me talking and you can see me change places slightly)
      Bad film trasfer. (I couldn't get the movie of the internet and had to convert from my DVD, that didn't work in all parts of the movie, the movie formated as 3days long and had weird jumps when I tried to edit it. So for the beginning and end of the film I had to film the movie of my computer screen and use that film!)
      Bad timing. My timing... um... sucked.

      Yep the Nostalgia Critic influenced me. Basically I had never seen reviews like this till I saw his reviews and then I thought to myself "To hell with trying to make movies by myself, I'll make reviews like this instead!"

  9. Very cool I love doing video reviews! I'll watch the video in a bit this laptop is making even itunes lagg!!! Need to get my good computer running!

  10. Cool vid, I really liked it. Looking forward to more.

  11. You look so young in this!! You've added a lot more of your personality since then. The "What the fuck?" bits have almost become your signature saying and not hearing you say it every five minutes was weird. It was fun seeing you at the start though and to see how far you've come.

    1. What the fuck!

      My humour is all over the place in this review and in real life, but I must admit being able to just say "What the fuck?" all the times is so easy to write!

      Glad you enjoyed seeing how I started, it was fun sharing it with everyone cause it was like a trip down memory lane!

  12. Loved all the parts. Good review and nice touch on monochrome.

  13. interesting idea
    to review

  14. Wait a minute...you sound a lot like someone that does film reviews on the Escapist.....

  15. 22mins and three parts, you're lucky I like you and you're still so pretty!

  16. When you said scary spice I cracked up!!! LOL Too funny!! Great review :)

  17. Bersercules, whenever I complain about how bad a movie is to someone, they always say to me, "Well, if it's so bad how come you watched it?!" This is such a stupid question. What am I supposed to do...go around the rest of my life wearing a soundproof potato sack over my head to insulate me from ever hearing or seeing anything stupid. Bersercules, does anyone ever ask you this question? Anyway, I learned a lot from your review of this movie. I learned that we were still fighting World War II in 1958. And apparently the Japanese had become our allies. (In true stereotypical style I am just gonna assume the Asian guy is Japanese.) I suppose the film makers wanted us to think that our "heroes" ended up safe and living happily ever after. But if I was watching this movie back in the 50's, and saw our "heroes" paddling out into the ocean in that crappy excuse for a boat, I would have assumed the exact opposite. I would have assumed they all ended up dead! Though I guess if it can work for Tom Hanks in "Castaway", it can work for them.

    1. When people ask me why I watch crappy movies I tell them that instinctivly noticing mistakes in things is a sign of intellegence and when I watch those old movies I get a kick out of all the mistakes I can notice. Its like a mind game or puzzle to me. And everyone I know knows how much I like to play games and solve things.

      As for She Demons, if they make a sequel to it, I hope it starts off with the threes dead bodies being found floating around in their boat!

    2. ...or maybe they could still be adrift in the ocean at the age of 90, or however old they would be by now. We must bring back the original cast.

  18. It takes some serious balls to post a video of yourself picking your nose and eating! Fantastic! I thought I was the only one who did that! lol

  19. Replies
    1. No not this time, though I have reposted before (Thundar Review).

  20. It's always interesting to me to see how an artist evolves, y'know?

    Not that I'd ever release MY stuff from way back when - screw that! Y'all get what y'all get. :/

  21. Great as always ;)
