Wednesday, 25 December 2013

It's Christmas! Merry Christmas! Christmas!!

Merry Christmas everyone!! I hope your Christmas is merry and fun! Mine sure is!

And since it's Christmas here's a video review I made!

or at least a link to one. Thanks blogger, for making it that I can't load my own youtube videos onto my blog anymore! I know yours is a free service but that's still no excuse!

And since I didn't blog last Christmas, but did make a video review, here it is:


and again it's a link not a video. Merry Christmas!

I hope everyone has a great day today, and every day!

Monday, 16 December 2013

My Little Apocolypse

Another year another blog post... wow I remember when I use to post multiple times a week!

But life gets in the way. Last time I blogged I was saving up to start my own business- didn't happen. Now I'm just working a lot and spending my free time playing computer games- happens too much!

Anyway a while back I was reading a blog post on this awesome bloggers blog (Mich) and she was talking about what to name her book she's writing about a zombie apocalypse. I of course suggested many brilliant ideas (cause I'm a super genius!) (that's another word for functioning retard, right?) (Ptttttt!) Anyway, one of my ideas was- ahh heck! Here's all the awesome ideas I suggested!

Twilight Apocalypse
Moby Dick Apocalypse
Fifty Shades of Apocalypse

All very original of course!

and my last suggestion was:

My Little Apocalypse

Which of course, being a reference to something Mich likes (My Little Pony) had her saying "My Little Apocalypse needs to be a thing like now." and since I have nothing better to do. It now is. 

Here it is:

So now that exists. I hope you liked it Mich!  

Have a great holiday season everyone!!