Thursday, 23 February 2012

and the story continues...

Here's the rest of the first story.

The last picture is smaller(but larger cause of weird blogger formating) cause its only the top of the next page, the next story fills the rest of the page and will be included in my next blog... yeah I know each story should start on its own page and end at the end of a page, but I'm not a stickler for the rules. Screw the rules.


  1. Love how Super Boy questioned the plot convenience of the police showing up just after he defeated the villain, you could tell that was your art just from that part, did you ever do any more comics?

    Loved your comment on my most recent post by the way mate, reminds me all too much of how I used to be, kind of just wanting to coast along yet not being allowed to if you know what I mean.

    1. Theres about 22 pages of this comic and I drew a bunch of comics about the same characters when I was younger and I made many other comics when I was older. Quick guess is I've got about 300 pages of comic drawings from my life. And stories and scripts to fill thousands of pages!

      And just for the record the cops showing up just after he catches the criminals is a running gag that will show up more in the other storys and continues into the scripts that I never drew pictures for.

  2. I think it's a good rule. If the endings of comics, at least the part AFTER the suspense was at the beginning of the next ep, it'd be REALLY cool. Same goes for tv shows. Keeps flow of things!

  3. I couldn't read all the callouts. Last one is funny. I got candy. this comic is cute and classic.

  4. hahahaha well there hasn't been many villains that want to blow up Canada. That is just soo uncanadian...haha The poor unlocked door must have felt so violated.

    1. Yeah I added the blow up Canada thing instead of the blow up the country thing casue I didn't think that Canada was mentioned enough in comics or on TV back in the 90's and I wanted everyone who read my comic to know it takes place in Canada.

      Oh Canada!

  5. think of them more as guidelines than rules. It's more fun to do your own thing anyway

  6. Christ these are beautifully done. You have real talent with this art form (and comics are a valid art form) Bersercules. The detail is great and you had your own style. You ought to be doing this professionally.

    1. Thanks I'm glad you like them! And I do do cartooning professionally... just not very successfully!

  7. i saved all these images :) i want to re read them in the future. such good work my friend

  8. It's pretty fun, I had a hard time reading them because they are light. Way to go you creative crazy b*tard

  9. I have to know if he gets his car back. He just saved Canada, he deserves his car back.

  10. Where does he keep his license?

  11. Wow you are good at cartooning!

  12. No worries about the last picture being smaller. I'm told that size doesn't matter.
    I was wondering where all that laughter came from, though.

  13. You are sooo talented!!!!! I really am very impressed with this. Poor, poor Canada... haha

  14. Awesome. You're really good at this.

  15. I would love to see superman say "Up, Up, and I'm gone!"

  16. Screw the rules, I have money! Or superpowers.

  17. Oh nice, you should get these inked.

  18. Screw the bloody rules, good rule screwing stuff again my friend or should I say Super Dude!

  19. I almost get physically ill when I think about how many Avril Lavigne videos I would have never seen had Super Dude not saved Canada back in 1998. Anywho, perhaps you should add a comic strip to your blog if you can find the time.

  20. change bob's towing to camel towing. classic :)

  21. Excellent comic. There is one loose end, however. Who did the poo on the roof in part 1? I need to know!

  22. Wait a moment... So the bad guy became evil because of a breakfast cereal commercial? I could totally see this on the news.

    Tonight on Fox News: Breakfast Cereal Makes Terrorist!

  23. I always knew cereal was the root of all evil.
